Reiki is a Japanese word that translates as ‘Universal Healing Energy’. “Rei” means ‘of divine origin’, ”Ki” means ‘vital life energy’. Ki is also known as “Chi” in Chinese, or “Prana” in Sanskrit. Reiki is also the name of the healing technique that channels this energy through a practitioner’s hands into a recipient’s energy field and body. In the Eastern theory of health and wellness we are in top form when our life energy (our Ki, or Chi, or Prana) is abundant & flowing freely through our physical & larger energetic bodies. There are many stressors and forces in our lives that deplete or impede the flow of Ki: fatique, poor eating & exercise habits, overwork, pollution, psychosocial factors, aging, injuries. We can replenish and unblock Ki in numerous ways: doing yoga or T’ai Chi, sleeping and eating well, exercising, spending time in nature, meditating, using acupuncture, etc. Reiki treatment is another very powerful, effective, and pleasurable technique for opening blockages and restoring vital life energy.
In a Reiki treatment the recipient is first interviewed by the practitioner and the concerns that will be addressed are agreed upon. The fully clothed recipient then lies on a massage table or sits in a chair. The practitioner scans the energy body for irregularities & general balance. The treatment involves the laying on of hands. During the treatment the practitioner’s hands are resting lightly on the body or slightly above it. Usually the head, shoulders, upper chest, abdomen, back, & feet are treated. Normally the treatment lasts from 45 to 90 minutes. Most people describe a sensation of warmth or gentle vibration coming through the practitioner’s hands. Typically clients relax quickly and deeply, frequently dropping into a near sleep, or trance state, that they find very pleasant. Not infrequently people fall asleep on the table. Almost universally people get off the table feeling happier, rested, & restored. The full effects are often not noted until 24 to 48 hours later as the Reiki energy is introduced during the session but continues to work on the system for days afterward.
Reiki brings improved peace and relaxation to anyone who wishes to try it. It is useful for reducing stress and pain, improving sleep, bolstering the immune system, and speeding healing. Reiki can also improve concentration, energy levels, and one’s basic sense of well-being. It has proven effective in reducing agitation and delirium, speeding recovery from anesthesia & surgery, supporting the psychotherapy process, and coping with side effects of cancer treatment. It is helpful in reducing the effects of chronic and acute illnesses, supplementing first aid efforts, and supporting traditional Western medicine.
Reiki is a complementary or adjunct therapy, not a substitute for good medical care!
Children make great Reiki I practitioners. They are receptive to the concept & are easily taught to do Reiki on themselves & others when injured or upset. When kids are old enough to keep the symbols confidential they are ready for Reiki II training.
Most adults can easily learn the rudiments of Reiki in a one day workshop, and the more advanced techniques in a second day. Children can also quickly pick up the basic principles in shorter programs aimed at acquiring the hands on skills. One must attend a Reiki class to receive the attunements from the Reiki Master that are necessary to open the energetic pathways to allow the Reiki to flow through the practitioner.
Anyone who would like to be able to offer hands on comfort to themselves, their family, pets, and friends would benefit from Reiki training. Health Care professionals of all sorts can use Reiki as an adjunct therapy in the clinic, hospital, hospice, or home setting.
Yes! Once you have taken Reiki I training you can give yourself Reiki. A full treatment feels best, and is strongly recommended as a daily spiritual & health maintenance practice, but you can give yourself Reiki anytime: while falling asleep at night, sitting in a meeting, driving the car, watching TV, or talking on the phone.